‘Nice Matin (the Nice morning newspaper)’ writes about the exhibition of paintings by Nikolai Kuzmin in Théoule-sur-Mer. 
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"Nice Matin (the Nice morning newspaper)" writes about the exhibition of paintings by Nikolai Kuzmin in Théoule-sur-Mer, on the French Riviera.



7th April 2007


The Russian Nikolai Kuzmin cuts the ribbon of the cultural space


Mostly dedicated to culture and incidentally to associative life, the multi-purpose room was inaugurated on Sunday evening in the presence of locally elected representatives:

 Bernard Brochand, deputy and mayor of Cannes, Henri Leroy, mayor and departmental councilor of Mandelieu, and of course Daniel Mansanti, mayor of Théoule-sur-mer. The three men had met up at the same place last January, during the ceremony of best wishes by the mayor. Without having the opportunity to look round over one's property. This was done in great detail. On about 420 square meters (4,500 square feet) of completely new surface area. And to mark the event, a painter and his exceptional works: the Russian Nikolai Kuzmin. Vast and comfortable, the multi-purpose room will receive the great local events, the writing festival or ‘Theoule exhibition’ for example, and will add to the existing village hall. A place where however sunlight is insufficient, through lack of windows. For the moment this multi-purpose room will be called ‘cultural space’. Which probably might be called ‘Space Pierre Cardin’. This is in any case what the municipality wishes, waiting for a favourable response by the fashion designer.
B. G.

The elected representatives of the Cannes area, all smiles, by the side of the Russian painter Nikolai Kuzmin, inaugurated the 0.1 acre mainly dedicated to cultural life in Théoule. (Picture by Stéphane Goasguen)


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April 2007


Nikolai Kuzmin shows 40 years of chefs-d'œuvre


For the inauguration of its cultural space, the municipality hasn’t done things by halves. An eminent painter of the Muscovite School of artists gets billing on avenue Charles Dahon.

Recently exhibited in Grand Palais and in Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, Nikolai Kuzmin, an artist of international reputation, has chosen Théoule-sur-Mer for previewing a selection of fifty 40 year-retrospective works. Not by chance, but in memory of very old family ties forged here, in Théoule.

Born in 1938 by the river Volga in the little village of Talinskoye, Nikolai Kuzmin quickly awakens to art and spends hours watching masterpieces held in the Tretyakov gallery in Moscow, all of them as pretty as a picture, looking good enough to eat. He goes to the Stroganov academy of Fine Arts in Moscow.

Following in the impressionists’ footsteps

There he attempts to follow in the great Russian impressionists’ and symbolists’ footsteps, among them Korovin, Vrubel and Serov.

In the 1990’s, he goes to Europe for widening his palette with new colours. He successively exhibits in the Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs in London, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris, in Croatia and also in Denmark. And till April 27th in Théoule-sur-Mer!

B. G.

Exhibition about Nikolai Kuzmin, cultural space, 9 avenue Charles Dahon. Information +33 (0)4 93 49 28 28.

An eminent Russian painter of the Muscovite School of artists, Nikolai Kuzmin is showing an exceptional collection here in Théoule, in memory of family ties forged in the town. (Picture by Stéphane Goasguen)


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