The exhibitions of Kuzmin's painting in 2010
, and also in 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

On a sunny winter day in the outskirts of Moscow.
Oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm
(32.8 x 27.6 inches). 2008
From February 5 to September 22, 2010
Montbrison (F-42600), in the Loire, France
The Musee d’Allard (Museum of Allard) in the town of Montbrison
exhibited a large selection of fifty retrospective works by the artist Nikolay Kuzmin.The preview took place on Friday, the 12th of February 2010, in the presence of the artist.
Piece of writing by the museum of Allard (by Henri Pailler, curator) announcing Kuzmin's exhibition in Montbrison
Download the press kit (in French) about both this exhibition and the exhibition in Rueil-Malmaison.
Musée d'Allard, 13 bd Préfecture 42600 Montbrison, France.
Phone: +33 (0)4 77 96 39 15

Two bouquets of the Princess Frog.
Oil on canvas, 100 х 100 cm
(39.4 x 39.4 inches). 2005
From March 30 to April 30, 2010
Rueil-Malmaison (F-92500) in the Hauts-de-Seine, France
Matthieu Dubuc gallery and Jacques Baumel multimedia library
presented about 50 paintings by Kuzmin.
Encounter with the artist and preview took place on Saturday, April, 10th, 2010:
At 11 am, with a piano recital, in Jacques Baumel multimedia library, 15-21 bd du Maréchal Foch.
Phone: +33 (0)1 47 14 54 54
At 5:30 pm, in Matthieu Dubuc gallery, 10-12 bd du Maréchal Foch.
Phone: +33 (0)1 47 08 22 16
Download the press kit (in French) about both this exhibition and the exhibition in Montbrison.

«On the road to Murom
stood three pine trees...».
The light fields and the pine trees.
Acrylic and oil on paper, 103 x 120 cm
(40.6 x 47.2 inches). 2002
From November 23 to November 28, 2010
Paris (F-75008), France
The Watercolour and Drawing Exhibition (Art Capital) in Grand Palais
presented a painting by Nikolay Kuzmin.The preview took place on Tuesday, the 23rd of November 2010.
The Taylor Foundation awarded Nikolay Kuzmin with the 'Maxime Juan' prize for his painting.
Grand Palais, avenue Winston Churchill, 75008 Paris, France.

From November 17 to November 28, 2010
Moscow, Russia
The 'Creative Wednesdays' event in the Central House of Artists
exhibited 3 works by Nikolay Kuzmin.The exhibition was organised by the International Confederation of Artists and the Union of Artists.
The preview took place on Wednesday, the 17th of November 2010.
Central House of Artists, ulitsa Krymskiy 10/14, Moscow, Russia 119049
Metro station: Oktyabrskaya
Phone: 8 (495) 230-17-82.
See pictures of the preview
(Thank you to Nikitina Zhanna for these pictures)

The Eiffel rainbow.
Oil on canvas,
100 x 120 cm (39.4 x 47.2 inches).
From October 30 to November 21, 2010
Viroflay (F-78220) in the Yvelines, France
The 'Remembering Corot' annual exhibition
exhibited two works by Nikolay Kuzmin.This year 'Remembering Corot' paid homage to Jacqueline Marval's (1866-1932) talent.
The preview took place on Thursday, the 4th of November 2010.
À l'Écu de France, 1 rue Robert Cahen (corner 76 avenue du Général Leclerc), 78220 Viroflay, France.
Phone: +33 (0)1 39 07 11 80.

The art critic Nina Mikhaylova.
Oil on canvas, 100 х 88 cm (39.4 x 34.6 inches). 1991
From December 1 to December 12, 2010
Chaville (F-92370) in the Hauts-de-Seine, France
The 'Remembering Josette Bossez' annual exhibition
exhibited three works by Nikolay Kuzmin.This year 'Remembering Josette Bossez' paid 'a homage to Women'.
The preview took place on Thursday, the 1st of December 2010.
Auction sale on Sunday, the 5th of December 2010, in the exhibition place.
Atrium - Espace Louvois, 3 parvis Robert Schuman, 92370 Chaville, France.
Phone: +33 (0)6 87 72 04 85.